![]() Luis 'Morpheus' Molina Have you ever wrestled with the issue of God's sovereignty, with Calvinism (TULIP) and Arminianism on opposing sides? It's a tense debate that has raged since the 16th century, and the root of the problem is choice (free will). Church history reveals that others have dealt with the subject as well, including Luis Molina in his disputations (in Latin): Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis. Disputatio 47-53 Since Molina on divine foreknowledge: part IV of the Concordia is Scholasticism in full gear it can be a challenging read, but it's the subject matter of dealing with "how does God know what knows" that can make you feel a lot like Alice...tumbling down the rabbit hole. Here is a brief overview of his work, and the foundation of Molinism, if you'd like to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
![]() Ephesians 1:4 - "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will..." While studying the book of Ezekiel, I was suddenly overwhelmed with God's love for us. I set to writing and this story of the gospel came out. Conclusion and "send out" of four part intro series on following Christ. 1 - Who was Jesus and why did he have to die? 2 - What is the church and how do I grow? 3 - Who am I and how do I fit into God's Kingdom? 4 - Where do I go from here? ![]()
Part 3 in a four part ALPHA class on following Christ. 1 - Who was Jesus and why did he have to die? 2 - What is the church and how do I grow? 3 - Who am I and how do I fit into God's Kingdom? 4 - Where do I go from here? ![]()
Part 2 of a four week intro/refresher class on following Christ (3-2010) 1 - Who was Jesus and why did he have to die? 2 - What is the church and how do I grow? 3 - Who am I and how do I fit into God's Kingdom? 4 - Where do I go from here? ![]()
March 2010 - Teaching material for a 4-week intro/refresher course on Christianity for new believers. Material takes about 1-2 hours to cover. 1 - Who was Jesus and why did he have to die? 2 - What is the church and how do I grow? 3 - Who am I and how do I fit into God's Kingdom? 4 - Where do I go from here? ![]()
AuthorBrett Yardley: Categories
January 2019