March 2010 - Teaching material for a 4-week intro/refresher course on Christianity for new believers. Material takes about 1-2 hours to cover. 1 - Who was Jesus and why did he have to die? 2 - What is the church and how do I grow? 3 - Who am I and how do I fit into God's Kingdom? 4 - Where do I go from here? ![]()
Who was Jesus? (Christology: the Hypo-static union)
A. Fully Man – Historical teacher in Israel (~4BC-30AD), born of virgin Mary, preached “The Kingdom” 1. (Human Origin, Matt. 1:1-16 | Needs, John 4:6 | Emotions, John 11:13 | Trials Matt. 4:1-11 | Death) B. Fully God – Son of God, claimed to be God, third part of the Trinity, present at creation of the world 1. (Declared God, John 1:1 | Recognized as God, Matthew 14:33 | Claimed to be God, John 8:58 | God Attributes, Mark 3:10 | Works of God, Matt. 9:2 | Treated as God + accepts it, Matt. 14:33 | Names + Titles of God, Matthew 1:22) Why did Jesus have to die?/How does Jesus save? (substitutionary atonement) A. The Problem – we've all sinned 1. Romans 3:23 - For all of sinned and fallen short of the glory of God 2. Romans 6:23 – The wages of sin is death. a. What exactly is sin? “Failure to hit the target” (Greek: hamartia) 3. Since God is 100% Just, those sins must be paid for...but we cannot pay the debt B. The Solution – Jesus on the cross 1. Since God is 100% Merciful/loving, he sent a gift of salvation through his son Jesus a. Jesus was sinless/innocent (fully God) and took our place/to pay our debt (fully man) b. Hebrews 2:14-18 - Our sins were paid for through Christ's sacrifice on the cross i. Analogies - Jumping out in front of a bus to save a wayward child - Taking the place of a convicted criminal on death row C. The Result – We must respond 1. God acted first by reaching out to us and offering salvation from our sins a. Romans 3:20 - We must acknowledge that we are sinners who cannot save ourselves b. Romans 5:8 - Accept Christ's sacrifice in our place and accept him as our savior c. Ephesians 5:1-2 (Romans 12:1) - Accept him as Lord out of overwhelming gratefulness i. Analogies - Moses & the Bronze serpent (Numbers 21:9) - Star Wars: Chewbacca's life debt to Han Solo, or Jar-Jar's life debt to Qui-Gon Action/Our Response A. Salvation (potentially for anyone present) 1. John 3:16 - Salvation comes through Faith alone that Jesus died on the cross for your sins B. Baptism 1. Romans 6:4 - We identify with Christ's death (death to sin) and resurrection (birth of a new creation) C. Communion/Lord's Supper (Eucharist) 1. 1 Cor. 11:23-32 - An act to remember Christ's body broken for us & Christ's blood spilled for us a. Each time the bread & cup is taken, we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes again
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AuthorBrett Yardley: Categories
January 2019