This is the first sermon I ever wrote and delivered (7/2008). I cannot thank pastor Jeff Miller of the Vineyard Community Church of Augusta enough for the opportunity and his faith in me. Self-Righteous Service vs. Selfless Service ![]()
I. Introduction
A. Topic & Book 1. Where Ruth is in the Bible a. First 5 books of the bible and then Joshua, Judges, Ruth b. Ruth 2:5-12 (Put a finger there) 2. Talking about being a " Self-Righteous Service vs. Selfless Service" a. Real question is motivation i. What is your heart's intent when it comes to service? B. Personal Note 1. I felt strongly led to speak about this a. Based on where I am as a growing Christian & young professional i. many opportunities to serve - but all are self-serving ex. corporate recognition / community involvement / moral b. Ruth provides an great case study for servant hood II. Background (Refresher) A. Book of Ruth (Ruth Chapter 1) 1. Famine in Israel a. Naomi, Husband and 2 sons migrate to SE Moab i. a country frequently at war with Israel in the OT 2. Both Sons marry local Moabite women a. Ruth & Orpah 3. Tragedy a. Husband and both sons die i. 3 widows - no support III. Ruth & Orpah A. Situation: 1. Two Women - same situation a. Both from Moab b. Husbands die c. No Children d. No Prospects e. Both love their mother-in-law 2. Naomi tells them she's going back to Israel a. encourages both girls to go back to Moabite Families 3. Surface Level: Both do "Right Thing" a. No - we're going to serve you Naomi B. Cost Revealed: 1. Naomi Reveals Cost of serving her a. Not married & too old to remarry - I'm a burden and can't return the favor b. No more sons for you to marry - I have no means to support you c. Headed to Israel - I'm going to a foreign country i. (with poor relations with Moab) 2. Summary: You gain nothing by serving me (worse off for your troubles) C. Decision: 1. Orpah says a. You're right i. staying in Moab ii. returning to my father's house for help b. Much better outcome FOR ME i. puts herself first c. Verse 1:14 - "Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye"# 2. Ruth says a. I don't care i. your God is my God ii. I will go wherever you go b. Regardless of consequences - better FOR YOU i. puts herself second c. Verse 1:14 - "but Ruth clung to her" IV. Paragon Passage a. Ruth has been gleaning to support Naomi b. Read Ruth 2:5-12 i. Enter Boaz ii. Ruth is rewarded c. Ruth cleverly requests Boaz to propose V. Boaz & UnNamed Kinsman A. Situation: Under Levitical law - Naomi can claim her Husband's land - too destitute to buy it herself (kinsman responsibility to keep family land in the family) 1. Two Men - same situation a. Both Israelites b. Both Kinsman to Naomi c. Both Wealthy Land Owners d. Both Well Respected e. Both have No Living Heirs 2. Quick Note - Significance of No Living Heirs a. Levitical law - Ruth's firstborn keeps her 1st husbands name alive - preserving family name & property i. Boaz & Kinsman - with no heirs would lose their family name & property to Ruth's firstborn 3. Surface Level: Both do "Right Thing" a. Kinsman - Yes, I will happily serve Naomi by redeeming her land" B. Cost Revealed: 1. Boaz reveals cost of Serving Naomi a. Leverite Law - Land comes with Ruth - to keep the Family name alive 2. Summary: You can serve Naomi, but you must risk C. Decision: 1. UnNamed Kinsman says a. I cannot do it i. I will endanger my own estate ii. You redeem it b. Much better outcome FOR ME i. puts himself first 2. Boaz says a. I will do it i. I will redeem the land ii. I will marry Ruth b. Regardless of consequences - better FOR YOU i. puts himself second 3. Boaz is rewarded - a. Becomes the great-grand father of King David VI. Conclusion A. Service by it's very nature is a selfless act - to give ones self for another 1. yet we manage to twist even service to point back at ourselves 2. Have we turned service into a tool to serve ourselves? 3. Ruth reveals several forms a. Orpah - Served for Show i. this is the right Christian thing to say - "I will pray for you?" - out-gift someone? - volunteered to rub-shoulders? b. Nameless Kinsman - Served for Gain i. In the long run I profit from this - expected a return - return service - physical reward - spiritual reward c. countless others B. Where are you today? 1. Are you a Self-Righteous Servant or a Selfless Servant? i. covers all ends of socio-economic spectrum (all walks of life) - Ruth was a poor minority with no prospects - Boaz was an established member of his community with great wealth C. Closing prayer - Audio (It may be the will of God that I've lost the audio for this sermon!)
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AuthorBrett Yardley: Categories
January 2019