![]() Nietzsche (1844-1900) Secularism has been promoted as the ideal throughout the 2oth century. Naturalistic science and reason have left no room for God as the Neo-Atheists have proselytized their faith in an accidental world. The roots of such secular thinking were nourished by the writings of Jean-Paul Sarte and Friedrich Nietzsche who was famed for coining the phrase "God is dead." Yet, a new academic study is claiming that humans are intrinsically transcendental, or that humans are hard-wired for religion. Obviously this doesn't actually answer the question of whether God exists or not, and certainly doesn't that God is the Christian God, but it certainly supports Theism. "Is Secularism dead?"
![]() Logically, to know anything with absolute certainty one must know everything about everything through all time to know with certainty that no new information will debunk what is known about something; unless, someone who does know everything about everything with absolute certainty conveyed to us some true facts about the universe. Of course, the only being with unlimited power to ascertain such unlimited knowledge would necessarily have to be God. ![]() A web of intertwining beliefs Theology is the formal study of God (or gods in theologies of other religions), and/or a collected understanding bout God and his ways. Christian Theology, founded on Scripture, deals with the study of the one True God who created this world and his current and historical redeeming actions. Just like the study of any other historical event this inevitably leads us to ask “what actually happened?” or what is the Truth (Veritology). Since “Truth by definition is exclusive,” so too there must exist one True theology of who God is and what his ways are. However, that True theology (due to God's ways and understanding being far above man's ways and understanding (Isaiah 55:9)) is beyond the reach of man in his fallen state. While it is impossible for any one person or tradition to claim they hold the True theology without doubt, all theologies should ultimately be measured by their proximity to the Truth of who God is and what his purpose for this world is as outlined by scripture. This is my hope for this BLOG. If you agree with what is written here, say so. If you disagree with what is written here, say so. Here's why:
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind […] But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. From: JOHN STUART MILL - ON LIBERTY (1859) CHAPTER II - OF THE LIBERTY OF THOUGHT AND DISCUSSION ![]() As a kid, I failed out of fear to do flips off the diving board. I'd done one before. In fact, the fear started when my first jump went beyond the planned flip turned into a 1.5x flip/dive. However, after that I would just stand there on the board and look at the water, paralyzed. Sadly, I regret I've never did a flip again, but all I had to do was dive in. Other than that, fear of failure doesn't normally characterize me. "Impossible" is synonymous with a challenge. I'll attempt most anything, generally fearless. However, the spirit of failure has returned in the area of my greatest aspiration, writing. That's what this BLOG is about. To overcome this fear of failure by diving in, so I don't relive the diving board. In the process I know that I will fail. Then I will fail again. Then I will fail better. So long as I dive in again and again, I know that eventually I will be failing the best. I invite you assist me in my journey with constructive feedback. I welcome debate and the devil's advocate (See On Liberty post). I want to know if you disagree, but do so intelligibly supporting you position. I will delete all ad hominem and similarly fallacious comments. |
AuthorBrett Yardley: Categories
January 2019